quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

NFS reaches 5 million users

NFS reaches 5 million users
Need For Speed ​​World Car promotional offers.

The MMO Need For Speed ​​is a hit. EA has announced that the online game Need For Speed ​​World has just acquired a total of million users. The game launched in July 2010 had acquired 1 million users in September and three million in December.

In commemoration of an event held in Austria yesterday, Need ForSpeed ​​World allowed access to the Audi A1 for a limited time. The vehicle was made in the event Worthersee GTI and will be available only in the MMO from EA.

The car is only available for rental in the game during the first day until June 4. Other information to the game can be purchased on their website.

Official Site: http://world.needforspeed.com/intro?wfvar=wfctrl

Source: Industry Gamers
Image: Disclosure

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